Day's as Mayor

January 1998 brought forth his duties as Mayor of Rebecca, Georgia. The "Mayor" worked at building this small town to be somewhere the citizens could take pride in calling home. He helped bring new side walks, paving of streets, remodeling of the city hall, his pride a new fire station and reconstruction of our city park. The "Mayor's" final and most vigilant worry was for Rebecca's 40 plus year old water system to be reconstructed as well as new water wells. During his day's in office he traveled numerous times to Atlanta, Jekeyll Island, Savannah, and other cities in search of ways to help Rebecca grow. Rebecca is a small "home town" with small town values we take pride in. We may not have the big city lights, traffic jams, inner city crime, but we do have a community that is one big family who pulls together through any problem our neighbors have. It was never unusual to see the "Mayor" out on his 4-wheeler riding the streets in search of a problem our town may have. Even as death took him from this job of Mayor his work was not in vain. As we post this for all to see the new water system is in progress. As a family not only did we lose at his death but the people of Rebecca did as well. As we all drive the new streets, walk the new side walks, see his pride the new fire station, play in our park's, we can remember the man who worked for us so unselfishly.

Mayor's own words

Pictures of Rebecca and some of the progress the "Mayor" helped bring to us.

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Music playing.....God Bless the USA